Dermal Therapy – Dermal Science
The new way to complete a Dermal Therapy Degree.
Our exclusive pathway with the award winning Australian Dermal Science Institute offers our Diploma Graduates the ability to work in industry whilst completing a choice of 2 x Dermal Degree qualifications.
Our Graduates can obtain 4 x qualifications within 4 years.
Why complete a Diploma before a Degree?
Did you know that once you’ve completed a Degree and are over 20 – you are no longer eligible for a Victorian Government Skills First subsidised Diploma place?
There are many reasons why Students complete a Diploma of Beauty Therapy before a Dermal Degree :
* Yes – if you’re eligible you can obtain a Government subsidised place.
* By completing Diploma first, you get a broad range of skills to start working in industry
* Have you chosen the right career? – The Diploma covers a wide range of subjects (including advanced skin treatments) from which you can decide if the Dermal Degree is for you.
* Within 4 years you can obtain 4 qualifications which allow for your career progression.
* Get a job in industry and earn an income after completing Diploma in 1 yr whilst you work towards your Degree course.

If advanced skin and laser is your passion there are 2 postgraduate Degree pathways available to achieve your career goals.
These are exclusively available to elly lukas Diploma of Beauty Therapy graduates at the award-winning Australian Dermal Science Institute.
What does a Dermal Clinician specialise in?
Dermal Clinicians specialise in skin management and non-surgical treatments to assist with acute and chronic skin conditions, disorders and diseases.
The education of dermal health professionals is broad.
Including study in skin and wound biology, dermatological conditions and management.
They also undertake studies in sciences including physics, chemistry, psychology and general anatomy and physiology, as every system of the body can impact the health of the skin.
Conversely skin health and problems are associated with many other disorders or disease.
Dermal Clinicians will also have a focus on public health, skin health education and prevention programs.
Most importantly, Dermal Clinicians can assess and manage risks associated with tissue interactions and advanced therapies to ensure treatments are effective and safe for consumers.
The Dermal Therapy industry has experienced dramatic growth since 2000 with the increasing popularity of non-surgical cosmetic treatments and clinics offering dermal therapy procedures across Australia. This growth has also increased the demand for Dermal Clinicians practicing Australia wide.
Dermal Clinicians are highly educated and specialised practitioners in the domains of skin health and management, providing non-surgical cosmetic treatments as well as managing common dermatological disorders and skin problems associated with other conditions that can affect skin health.
You will now find Dermal Clinicians in a range of settings including: private practice, outpatient and hospital settings, multidisciplinary clinics and primary health care providers.
Dermal Therapy Degree Pathways
Dermal Clinician Degree Pathways
1. Diploma of Beauty Therapy – 1 yr = Beauty Therapist
It’s here that you’ll learn a diverse array of treatments (including advanced skin) and underpinning science knowledge that will help prepare you for Degree studies.
And the best part is that you can be qualified after 1 year and go straight into a Beauty, Spa, Laser of Clinic job to be working in industry whilst completing your Degree studies.
If you’re eligible, you may also be able to secure a Skills First Government subsidised place for your Diploma studies.
2. Associate Degree in Applied Health Science (Dermal Therapy) – 2yrs = Dermal Therapist
The Australian Dermal Science Institute degree programs provide elly lukas Diploma Graduates with a unique 2-step pathway to achieve higher education qualifications to specialise as Dermal Therapists or Dermal Clinicians. The 2 year Associate Degree which is the first step and provides Graduates with a Dermal Therapist qualification. It’s 1.5 contact days per week for the Dermal Degree which is how most of our Diploma Graduates can have amazing careers working in our industry whilst progressing towards their Dermal qualification.
3. Bachelor Degree in Applied Health Science (Clinical Aesthetics) – 1 additional yr = Dermal Clinician
After completing the 2yr Associate Degree our Diploma Graduates are fully qualified Dermal Therapists and can enjoy career progression in Dermal, Advanced Skin & Laser Clinics.
They also have the option to continue their Dermal studies with the 3rd year Bachelor year to become Dermal Clinicians to work with Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeons, Dermatologists or establish their own Clinical Practice.
Bachelor Degree Graduates can also be admitted as full members of the peak industry body – the Australian Society of Dermal Clinicians.
The Bachelor of Applied Health Science (Clinical Aesthetics) and the Associate Degree in Applied Health Science (Dermal Therapy) are delivered by ADSI under a third party agreement on behalf of the Australasian College of Health & Wellness (PRV13002).
What can Dermal Clinicians treat?
Dermal Clinicians specialise in the promotion of skin health and provide management of the skin in health and disease or damage to promote integrity and optimal function.
A holistic approach is undertaken whereby patient education, topical therapies as well as therapeutic interventions and clinical treatments may be provided. This also involves a thorough consultation incorporating medical conditions, medications and lifestyle factors as well as a detailed skin health assessment.
Dermal Clinicians are independent practitioners however they will often work inter professionally and collaboratively with other specialists or health professionals to achieve optimal outcomes for clients.
Common conditions and diseases that are treated by Dermal Clinicians include:
- Acne
- Rosacea
- Psoriasis
- Eczema and dermatitis
- Xerosis (excessively dry skin)
- Hyperkeratosis (thickened skin)
- Pigmentary disorders and dyschromia (e.g uneven pigment, brown spots)
- Intrinsic and extrinsic ageing (normal and premature ageing)
- Vascular disorders and conditions (e.g. birthmarks, telangiectasia/dilated capillaries, superficial spider veins on the face and body).
- Assisting with optimal wound repair for acute and chronic wounds.
- Scar management and minimisation.
- Excessive or unwanted pilosity (hair growth)
- Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)
- Oedema management
- Skin management associated with diabetes, arterial or venous insufficiency and disease.
- Lymphoedema
- Localised adiposity (localised fat deposits)
- Micro-pigmentation
- Tattoo removal
What is the difference between a Dermal Therapist and a Dermal Clinician?
elly lukas diploma graduates have 2 Dermal Therapy / Dermal Science study choices at the Australian Dermal Science Institute.
Associate Degree in Applied Health Science (Dermal Therapy) – 2 years
Qualification outcome: Dermal Therapist
After completing the 2 year Associate Degree course, elly lukas graduates have the choice to continue studying for 1 additional year (total 3 years) to complete the
Bachelor Degree of Applied Health Science (Clinical Aesthetics)
Qualification outcome: Dermal Clinician
Having achieved a higher qualification outcome, a Dermal Clinician is able to provide a wider range of treatments and can be admitted as a full member of the peak industry body – The Australian Society of Dermal Clinicians.